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Cecilia Ekeblom

Equine Sports Massage Therapist

Phone. nr. +46-708-423218      

What I do:


Massage is beneficial to all horses but especially needed when the horse has been subjected to prolonged uneven training or load.

This can occur with lameness, an uneven pelvic in the rider, dental problems or equipment that isn’t fitted properly, to name a few examples.

The muscles shortens and gets stiff and this then produces pain. Shortened muscles also leads to less movement, changed body posture and causes a mechanical stress on joints and tendons.

The stretching, relaxing and stress releasing effect that the massage has on the muscles helps healthy horses to achieve better results and is beneficial in the recovery of horses that have been ill or lame.



Acupressure is a traditional Chinese method.

Its a manual method that entails working with your hands and fingers along the points that are situated on the meridians of the body. This is done to influence the energy flow in the body. The idea is that when the energy moves through our body harmoniously, we feel god and are healthy but if there is an unbalance in the energy flow of the body, your risk of falling ill increases.

Deep fascia release

The deep fascia release is a treatment of the fascia. Swedish fascia vibes is a pulsating machine that creates harmonic movement through the fascia which increases circulation and fluidity. The effect is relaxing and gives increased agility.

The machine effectively and gently releases pain and muscle tension in the body.



Equine kinesiology taping

Kinesiologi tape is used to: 

  • Arrest over-stretched muscles

  • Support connective tissue

  • Protect stressed muscles and joints

  • Soothe pain

  • Reduce inflammation

  • Reduce lymphatic oedema

  • Influence the ability to move

  • Stimulate hypotonic muscles


A bit about me

I finished my education to become an

Equine sports massage therapist at

Axelsson animal massage school in 1998.

I use many different manual therapies when I work

and I customize my treatment to what

I find each horse needs.

Horses has always been a passion of mine.

I firmly believe that there is always more to learn,

so I constantly try to learn all I can and to keep

an open mind to new methods.

It is very important to me to see each horse as the

unique individual that it is and to have a

good dialogue with the rider of the horse. 

This so that I can do my best to help both of them

to get the most out of their time together.

I currently live in the south of Sweden but I have spent many years living abroad in a number of countries .

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